Thursday 6 November 2014

still the children suffer

It's the children that suffer, 
It's always the children that suffer.
No matter what our government plan,
or implement. 
The children suffer. 

In the education System, 
the National Health Service, 
and Children's Services
our motto is,
Every Child Matters. 

But it's the children suffer.

School, the happiest days of your life!
or so we are led to believe. 
But have you noticed,
how many changes go on each year? 

 And it's the children who suffer.

Our NHS was created in-part
to prevent health issues in children.
Rickets, malnutrition and Tuberculosis.
But have you heard,
There have been cases of all three
in the UK in the past twelve months.

children suffering 

Children's Services, fostering, adoption,
Safe Care Policies. 
Police checks for all professional adults
that come into contact 
with children.

but still the children suffer! 

Our government promised!
To have an inquiry,
into past Child Sexual Abuse
and exploitation!
But it still hasn't happened! 

so children still suffer and so do these adults! 
© David G King 2014